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Showing posts from November, 2014

Art Basel Miami Beach 2014 - Artist to Watch - Troy Simmons

It's that time of year. Art Basel will descend on Miami next month so get ready! With events jam-packed from December 2nd to the 7th, it's hard to know which are the hottest shows attend, Luckily my new publication BOSSY is to the rescue. BOSSY invites it's readers to check out Art Basel - One to Watch- Troys Simmons. Local artist Troy Simmons has immersed himself in his latest artwork, exploring the evolution of urbanism and nature’s persistence to coexist. A consistent theme, which echoes true to his intense fascination with nature and modern Brutalist Architecture. Under the direction of JanKossen Contemporary Art Gallery in Basel, Switzerland, Simmons will showcase his new concrete work during a solo show at CONTEXT Miami Art Fair December 2nd-7th at booth #E75. He will also have several pieces on display at SCOPE Art Show Miami Beach. His massive, large-scale concrete canvases are a mix of acrylic paints and raw materials. At first ...

Parenting Curve-ball...I wasn't ready!

This crazy journey into Autism has had more than one surprise along the way. Ever since the first diagnosis, there has been one curve ball after another. After first learning that Spikey was on the spectrum and then every other twist and turn, from doctors, schools, therapists and Spike himself has been a continuous roller coaster ride. It can start to feel like you are holding your breath waiting for the other 10,000 shoes to drop. Presently though, we are at a time where everything is copacetic. By this I mean,  I basically know where we stand. He currently likes Sponge Bob and will recite an episode word for word. He will vomit if he even thinks he ate a vegetable. He will spin and and rock if he gets overwhelmed. He loves his routine. Even when he has meltdowns, I am somewhat prepared, I can basically see them coming. I know his triggers and try to navigate accordingly. Despite this, he is doing extremely well. He is in a mainstream class, and he's down to 2 therapists a ...

November is Gratitude Month Week 2

So I decided to be grateful daily but talk about it weekly. Not because I'm lazy (well not totally) but because I'm so crazy busy lately, which is one of the things I'm grateful about. In my grateful project, I'm trying to train myself to be grateful in every situation even when it's not my natural primary emotion. So here goes: This week; I am grateful for the drop in temperatures, I'm sure the rest of the world might not agree, BUT here in south Florida the land of almost never ending summer. these 70 degree mornings and late evenings make me feel like a parolee out on a furlough I am grateful for the success and growth of my two new businesses, My Magazine BOSSY! and my networking group BOSS MOMS . I am grateful that I was brave enough to put my my ASD kid on a mainstream Tee Ball team and that he's thriving and having fun. I'm even grateful for the mini heart attacks I have every time he's up to bat. He has only had two tiny meltdown, I...

November is Gratitude Month

Actually I have no idea, if it's really gratitude month, but it it is for me. I'm going to find something to be grateful for everyday until Thanksgiving. I'm trying to expand the practice of gratefulness in my everyday life, as a buy mom and businesswoman. You have a tendency to get bogged down in the everyday. I can spend a lot of time pursuing future successes instead of celebrating every day ones, I am promising myself to notice all the beauty, wonder and all around awesomeness in my own life everyday. I tried this once and I failed miserably, But this time I'm ready. Yeah I know it's 4 days in and I'm already late But it's cool because I have 4 things to be grateful for already...So here goes. 1. As it's November 4th Election day for midterms, I'm grateful for the right to vote. I exercised my civic duty muscles today and it felt good to do my part. 2. I am grateful that Spikey participated in Halloween this year without any major hitches. M...