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Showing posts from July, 2012
I've been chosen as "Black Blog of the Day" I'm honored, Thanks so much!!!

Happy Birthday??? Whatever...

Despite the Hallmark's constant reassurances, birthdays aren't usually all that magical. After 21, I haven't found anything to be really excited about. They aren't sad occasions per say. I don't cry or get tragically depressed. They are just rather blah, like whatever another year closer to menopause. But the last few birthdays have made me rather nostalgic. I don't feel sad so much as disappointed. I started to feel like time is flying past and I have so many things left I want to do and not as much time to do them. I used to feel like, I'll start that novel next year, or finish that screen play in a few months. I'll go on that trip one day, etc. I have time...but do I really? Personally and professionally, I have about a hundred things, I figure do one day. I know most people use New Year's Eve to make resolutions and major commitments and changes to their lives. But that's awfully generic isn't it? maybe that's why so many...